Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Crackpots was what the rest of the scientific world called those that Neil recruited to design and build the Marauder wanting all of the thinkers outside of the box type to enable the Marauder to do things the rest of the world thought impossible! Read the rest of the story in paperback at or at a book store near you ISBN 13-1482662023 or ISBN 1482662027 world wide.

For ebook or on Smashwords at Happy Reading! 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Emotional Low

Neil's emotions that were high when he realized his dream had come true sank when Janice started introducing the bridge to crew to him. Even though he had the title of Captain, she was the Commander of the Marauder and all orders were to be followed given by her, none by him! Read the rest of the story! or on Amazon for a paperback version go to  http://www.createspace/dp/4190580 Also available on Check out my author page on

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Weightless equals being sick

Neil, unlike the others going aboard the Marauder did not have extensive training to prepare him for weightless conditions. He was sick the entire flight up to the Marauder when it was finally finished and ready to head into space. He was glad he was over it when he finally boarded the Marauder. Read the rest of the Story at or at along with other ebook locations including Barnes and Nobles Nook. Available in all ebook formats. For Paperback go to or on Amazon at for those in the United Kingdom,

Have a great day and talk back to me if you wish, I'm listening!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Just a dream!

Neil thought back when all his classmates talked about growing up to be President. Neil daydreamed about floating in space. He wondered if his namesake had anything to do with his desire to go into space. After all he was named after the first man to walk on the Moon! He was sidetracked for a while in college loving chemistry but after his prison term, he started back on his space thoughts taking every available class in space technology. Read more of his story available at or at along with other ebook sales places. For paperback besides Amazon go

Monday, July 8, 2013

A Storm in Neil's life

Neil finds doing the honorable thing when he learns Storm is pregnant, is not an easy task. Her possessiveness and constant thinking he is interested in other females, especially Aliens, drives him up the wall and into a corner. Read the story in Book Two, Chronicles of the Marauder at OR IN PAPERBACK AT  Along with other paperback location just use this ISBN and it is easy to find. 978-1490527307 or ISBN for foreign countries, 1490527303 available everywhere for your enjoyment!