Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Storm waits on his love

Storm waits on her chance to be with Neil. She wanted him but with him being with Carrie, she knew she didn't stand a chance. Carrie's death opens the door for her. Storm bides her time looking for a chance to tangle him in her web! Read the rest of the story on ebook at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BM5L606 on amazon or other ereaders at https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/323360 For paperback go to http://www.createspace.com/view/4190580 also available on amazon, Barnes and Noble in paperback along with other bookstores ISBN 13; 978-1482662023 or ISBN 10; 1482662027 for foreign books stores (NON USA)  You can feel free to join me on Marsocial where I discuss, post and comment about my SiFi books along with other's SiFi. http://marsocial.com/groups/Lightning-Chronicles/

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Monday, September 23, 2013

Losing his love of his life?

Neil didn't understand why when he found true love that also made him happy that events took her from him? For all the ups and downs of his life, this had to be the low point. Lucky for him, he had the ship to worry about and deal with the problems caused when Carrie died. It kept him from going off the deep end! Read the rest of the story in paperback or on your ereader at theses various sights! Paperback is available on Amazon foreign and domestic along with http://www.creatspace.com/view/4190580 other locations at this ISBN 10 1482662027 or 13 at 978-2662023 just ask your retailer for that book. Available on Kindle at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BM5L606 or for other devices go to smashwords at http://www.smashwords.com/323360

Have a nice day. Talk back, I'm listening!