Saturday, March 9, 2013

meet Marauder Aliens

Meet the Wispees, six foot tall Aliens that look like a a bee with no antenna or wings that prefer eating raw meat but will eat anything.
Meet the nine foot tall Zeelar with a praying mantis head and fourteen appendages that prefers garden vegetables and salad ingredients without any sauce.
Meet the Sooritas, cannibals that look human standing six foot tall but completely hairless with an over hanging upper lip like a camel, but is super intelligent learning languages quickly.
Meet the Walsaps, a gorilla or baboon looking creature that stands five foot tall that wears clothes carrying a kismet, a multi pointed dagger that believes fighting to the death is the only way to live.
Meet the Aszakalans, ghost looking creatures with purple lips and body temperature of twenty degrees less than humans with white hair and standing six feet tall or more. Also has the ability to read minds with just a touch, make themselves invisible when they desire, and have the ability to walk through glass by changing the molecular composition of the their bodies.
Meet the Acklas, a horse looking creature with no mane or tail with spare appedages with hands on double jointed arms attached to their front legs, standing about seven foot tall.
These are the first Aliens that become part of the crew. I will introduce others that later have an impact on the Marauder and the crew! To read the whole story on kindle go to  or in paperback at these locations (Just some of them)    or
Have a great day! Talk back to me, I'm listening! While you are at it, check out my author site on amazon for other interesting books at

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