Alien Killers

Killing is not just reserved for humans as Neil found out when Sockan and her son, Sec`tre collapsed after turning the glass into a liquid so Tro`man could pass through it to escape. The four Aszakala slaves the Walsaps; seeing them collapse and no longer had control of their minds, rushed over beating them with the trumpet like devices they carried. The older one seeing the beating wasn't killing them, spotted the clothes Tro`man took off to go naked through the glass. On top was his dagger like device. He ran over grabbing it and plunged it into the young ones chest (Sec`tre) many times until Neil yelled at him to stop in his authoritarian voice. Afraid what Neil might do to him and his companions, he ran over to the edge of the docking bay in fear. Read the whole story! or or or take a look at my author site at
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