Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Why I wrote it!

Several ask the queston on why I wrote this series? The answer is found in my childhood when I used to read SiFi in class, hidden in my classroom book. I loved to read the adventures off in space and dreamed I was right there. I had so many favorte writers that I can not recall all their names so I don't want to mention any. If it occurred in space, I was reding it. I checked out the entire school library at the time dealing with science fiction. After I wrote A Stranger Comes Crawling, I went back to my Dystopia series and worked on that a little more to where I am at the end of the series with only Lightning Rages that remains to be finished and published in 2014, early.
Making a living and not having the qualifications to actually go into space, I still had the dream of doing so back in my mind. Since I was unable to do so myself, I wrote a story about a man going into space, this one! I didn't want to tool around taking several boring months or even years to get somewhere in our solar system. After finding a way for my character Neil Armstrong Andrews to get into space, I had him to contact and recruit what the mainstream scientists would call crackpots to come up with "out of the box thinking" so the ship could travel faster light. I added normal conflict in the story then added Aliens to the picture. All in all, it is an exciting journey in my mind that I believe you will enjoy. If you wish to take a look at it I provided some links for you!  Copies of the book can be bought on Kindle for ebooks and soon on other tablets after I publish with Smashwords in a couple of days. For paperback, check out these links,    or or  For the kindle ebook Now available on Smashwords, Barnes and Noble along with Kobo for your reading enjoyment on any ereader.

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