In book One, the story is mainly about Neil and Janice with the Aliens thrown in. In book two, Neil is still the main character but Sockan starts playing an important role in the story. You recall her, The five-foot-five Ghost While Alien that can read minds with a touch or make herself into any other shape along with even making herself invisible when she wants to. She never knew what emotions were until she started reading about them in human books then desired to experience them. At first she mistakes sex for love but soon learns the difference with Neil. While Neil's life is full of Storms after the death of his beloved Carrie. Carrie was the one that taught Neil how great love could be and it was just not sex. Read the rest of the story available in print at Createspace, Amazon and anywhere else fine paperbacks are sold. Link for Createspace http://www.createspace.com/view/4190580 for book one ISBN 978-1482662023 and for book two the ISBN 978-1490527307 . For those that desire an ebook the link for Book one on amazon is http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BM5L606 or on Smashwords http://www.smashwords.com/323360 I don't know the link for nook or Kobo. For Book Two the links http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DL2Z071 and link for the paperback on Book Two is http://www.createspace.com/4337114 For those that are wondering about what my SiFi books are all about, Join me on at this link, we will begin discussing them indept http://www.marsocial.com/groups/Lightning-Chronicles/ Join us for a fun filed discussion where you will learn a lot about the background and the stories behind my various SiFi books.. Talk Back, I'm listening!
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