Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Neil speaking about Aliens!

After holding the Aliens Captive for several months, Neil decides it is time to space them or make them part of the crew. 

"Have you lost your mind?" Janice asked this time in a normal voice.
"Maybe, but I'm still in charge. We cannot keep holding them indefinitely. We have to do something, or put them out of the airlock and be done with them!" Neil stated coldly. Neil looked around the bridge, seeing the same fear that Janice showed on their faces. Leaning back in his chair, he spoke softly but effectively. "We all grew up more or less watching movies or TV shows, where the aliens are friends and allies of the humans in the future. The future is now. Shall we run and hide like they did in the early movies that frightened everyone? Are aliens something to be feared or should we embrace the future, to see if humans and aliens can live side by side?they are different? Or do we allow the difference not to be noticed and accept them as humans, just different?" 
Below is a remark by the editor to the author.

 Extremely powerful speech!  Very relevant even to today’s society.  Just wanted to comment that I think it’s great!!! Each of you must ask in your heart what is right. Do we just kill the aliens because they are not human?

Monday, December 9, 2013

Stocking stuffer!

A book makes a good stocking stuffer. For those that receiving an ereader (Kindle, Nook. Kobo ereader) download from Amazon or Smashwords a copy of my fantastic book Chronicles of the Marauder, book One is the start of the story. Take a read of Neil Armstrong Andrews that is the Captain of the ship. His troubles with becoming the Captain, his problems with his women and the trouble he gets into by violating territorial borders of various species deep in space (unknown to him and the other humans). A Space adventure that will leave you wanting more, so I provide it with Chronicles of the Marauder- Book Two. Take a look at it on these links:

Createspace http://www.createspace.com/view/4190580 for book one ISBN 978-1482662023 and for book two the ISBN 978-1490527307 . For those that desire an ebook the link for Book one on amazon is http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BM5L606 or on Smashwords http://www.smashwords.com/323360 I don't know the link for nook or Kobo. For Book Two the links  http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DL2Z071   and link for the paperback on Book Two is http://www.createspace.com/4337114 For those that are wondering about what my SiFi books are all about, Join me on at this link, we will begin discussing them indept http://www.marsocial.com/groups/Lightning-Chronicles/   Join us for a fun filed discussion where you will learn a lot about the background and the stories behind my various SiFi books..Talk Back, I'm listening!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Understanding women not Neil's strong suit!


Neil never felt like he felt with Carrie before even though he had been married once before but life's events meant it didn't work out. Finding love thousands of light years away from Earth was a godsend for Neil. Making him forget all about keeping his distance from them. Why did he have to wait until now to discover true love? Read more of the story at https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/323360 or on Amazon at  http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BM5L606 you can find my paperback on Amazon as well for those without ereaders that wish to read a great adventure!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Cold lips = warm heart unless you are an Alien!

Sockan, the pale white alien never heard of love until she was kidnapped by the Marauder and locked into a chamber. Having nothing to do, she learned ot read English so the only books her captives would give her were about love they made sure nothing that contained violence was available to her. When she agreed to join the crew, Neil released her but she was secretly craving that thing called love in all those books. An emotionless creature she wanted a taste of it, sounding so grand in all those stories. Read more of the story on  Createspace http://www.createspace.com/view/4190580 for book one ISBN 978-1482662023 and for book two the ISBN 978-1490527307 . For those that desire an ebook the link for Book one on amazon is http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BM5L606 or on Smashwords http://www.smashwords.com/323360 I don't know the link for nook or Kobo. For Book Two the links  http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DL2Z071   and link for the paperback on Book Two is http://www.createspace.com/4337114 For those that are wondering about what my SiFi books are all about, Join me on at this link, we will begin discussing them indept http://www.marsocial.com/groups/Lightning-Chronicles/   Join us for a fun filed discussion where you will learn a lot about the background and the stories behind my various SiFi books..       Talk Back, I'm listening!    

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Sockan's Love!

Neil didn't realize when he kept
Sockan locked up that she had nothing to do but read. He was shocked when she learned to read English so quickly so Poopa and Rita kept bringing her love stories to read. They didn't want her to read anything violent that was in the Marauder's ebook library. Having no emotions herself, she found love an interesting subject. Her companion for life, Troman ended up being put out the airlock because the humans and others thought he was dead. He was after they did that! The ruler of their home world joined the two together for as long as they should live, about nine hundred earth years. They slept together until she became with child like her species normally did, but stayed together as it was their custom. Sockan by training was a trader, trading species and information between other species. Now, without Troman she wondered about this human emotion called love. When she gave her word that she would not harm a member of the crew or try to read their minds, she was released from her confinement with what was love on her mind. To her, sex and love was the same thing, she still had a lot to learn! Her ability to make herself invisible came in handy when she slipped into Neil's quarters and while he was dreaming of his dead love, Carrie. She conveniently took her place in his dream making love to him. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Storm waits on his love

Storm waits on her chance to be with Neil. She wanted him but with him being with Carrie, she knew she didn't stand a chance. Carrie's death opens the door for her. Storm bides her time looking for a chance to tangle him in her web! Read the rest of the story on ebook at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BM5L606 on amazon or other ereaders at https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/323360 For paperback go to http://www.createspace.com/view/4190580 also available on amazon, Barnes and Noble in paperback along with other bookstores ISBN 13; 978-1482662023 or ISBN 10; 1482662027 for foreign books stores (NON USA)  You can feel free to join me on Marsocial where I discuss, post and comment about my SiFi books along with other's SiFi. http://marsocial.com/groups/Lightning-Chronicles/

Have a great day! Talk back, I'm listening!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Losing his love of his life?

Neil didn't understand why when he found true love that also made him happy that events took her from him? For all the ups and downs of his life, this had to be the low point. Lucky for him, he had the ship to worry about and deal with the problems caused when Carrie died. It kept him from going off the deep end! Read the rest of the story in paperback or on your ereader at theses various sights! Paperback is available on Amazon foreign and domestic along with http://www.creatspace.com/view/4190580 other locations at this ISBN 10 1482662027 or 13 at 978-2662023 just ask your retailer for that book. Available on Kindle at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BM5L606 or for other devices go to smashwords at http://www.smashwords.com/323360

Have a nice day. Talk back, I'm listening!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Helping the underdog!

In Book One of the Chronicles of the Marauder, Neil and his Alien allies come to the aid of the Yokas that were being rounded up by the Whoa`na for food. They hung around to teach the Yokas to defend themselves along with helping to stop the Whoa`na when they return. Neil felt he must do this since the Yokas were a peaceful group and didn't really know how to fight but proved they were quick learners when it came to saving their lives and culture. Read the rest of the story! You can find this book on Amazon as well as Createspace at this link. http://www.createspace.com/4337114 or at http://www.amazon.co.uk/1490527303 for an ebook at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DL2Z071

Friday, August 23, 2013

Side by side Chronicles Book one and two!

Now they are available Books One and Two!
In book One, the story is mainly about Neil and Janice with the Aliens thrown in. In book two, Neil is still the main character but Sockan starts playing an important role in the story. You recall her, The five-foot-five Ghost While Alien that can read minds with a touch or make herself into any other shape along with even making herself invisible when she wants to. She never knew what emotions were until she started reading about them in human books then desired to experience them. At first she mistakes sex for love but soon learns the difference with Neil. While Neil's life is full of Storms after the death of his beloved Carrie. Carrie was the one that taught Neil how great love could be and it was just not sex. Read the rest of the story available in print at Createspace, Amazon and anywhere else fine paperbacks are sold. Link for Createspace http://www.createspace.com/view/4190580 for book one ISBN 978-1482662023 and for book two the ISBN 978-1490527307 . For those that desire an ebook the link for Book one on amazon is http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BM5L606 or on Smashwords http://www.smashwords.com/323360 I don't know the link for nook or Kobo. For Book Two the links  http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DL2Z071   and link for the paperback on Book Two is http://www.createspace.com/4337114 For those that are wondering about what my SiFi books are all about, Join me on at this link, we will begin discussing them indept http://www.marsocial.com/groups/Lightning-Chronicles/   Join us for a fun filed discussion where you will learn a lot about the background and the stories behind my various SiFi books.. Talk Back, I'm listening!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Run of bad luck?

From the time Neil was born, he seemed to have nothing but bad luck. His mother gave him up to an orphanage where he stayed until he was four, then he was temporarily adopted and given his name of Neil Armstrong Andrews. He knew he was called by another name but couldn't recall what? It was a mistake for the Andrews family to adopt him. His hatefulness at the World and his explosive temper ended the adoption especially after the woman found she was pregnant with her own child after thinking she couldn't get pregnant. The woman tried to love him but he refused to love her back. That was the only time anyone tried to adopt him so he grew up in the orphanage. One thing about him, he was very intelligent and loved science. Neil went on to college working nights to pay his way until he met a young rich woman that he later married. Her parents opposed the marriage but she was young and rebellious doing so in spite of their wishes. Later, when Neil learned she was pregnant, he wasn't about to give his child up to no one like he had been. As fate would have it, at a party several including one rich young man started teasing him about his child that his wife carried on whether or not he was the father. Neil's quick temper made him hit the man, then his friend jumped in to help him. Filled with rage, Neil beat both of them badly with a pool stick sending them into the hospital. One almost died. When the police arrived to pull him off the two, he struck a police officer in his rage before they could take away his broken pool stick and cuff him. He was charged with Assault and Battery along with other charges then found out his wife was so horrified at what he did to her friends that she refused to post him bail or provide a lawyer. Needless to say, Neil wound up in prison doing eighteen months and two years on probation.  When he was released from prison, he returned to college while attending anger management classes (one of the conditions for his release on probation). While in prison, his wife with the help of her rich family divorced him and disappeared with his child. He never knew if it was a boy or girl or what the child's name was. She remarried right after the divorce so he didn't even know her new name or how to contact her. Neil lost all interest in his first love chemistry and started taking classes in Space technology but his bachelor degree in chemistry did get him a job as a chemist at a low pay. No one wanted to hire a felon! His bad luck turned to good luck when he won the lottery! Read the rest of the story in Chronicles of the Marauder! http://www/amazon.com/dp/B00BM5L606 or at http://www.smashwords.com/323360 for paperback click on this link http://www.createspace.com/4190580 or check on Amazon along with Barnes and Noble. 

Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Crackpots was what the rest of the scientific world called those that Neil recruited to design and build the Marauder wanting all of the thinkers outside of the box type to enable the Marauder to do things the rest of the world thought impossible! Read the rest of the story in paperback at http://www.createspace.com/4190580 or at a book store near you ISBN 13-1482662023 or ISBN 1482662027 world wide.

For ebook http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BM5L606 or on Smashwords at http://www.smashwords.com/323360 Happy Reading! 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Emotional Low

Neil's emotions that were high when he realized his dream had come true sank when Janice started introducing the bridge to crew to him. Even though he had the title of Captain, she was the Commander of the Marauder and all orders were to be followed given by her, none by him! Read the rest of the story!  http://www.smashwords.com/323360 or on Amazon http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BM5L606 for a paperback version go to  http://www.createspace/dp/4190580 Also available on  Amazon.com Check out my author page on http://www.amazon.com/author/agmoye

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Weightless equals being sick

Neil, unlike the others going aboard the Marauder did not have extensive training to prepare him for weightless conditions. He was sick the entire flight up to the Marauder when it was finally finished and ready to head into space. He was glad he was over it when he finally boarded the Marauder. Read the rest of the Story at http://www.smashwords.com/323360 or at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BM5L606 along with other ebook locations including Barnes and Nobles Nook. Available in all ebook formats. For Paperback go to http://www.createspace.com/4190580 or on Amazon at http://www.amazon.com/dp/1482662023 for those in the United Kingdom http://www.amazon,co.uk/dp/1482662027

Have a great day and talk back to me if you wish, I'm listening!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Just a dream!

Neil thought back when all his classmates talked about growing up to be President. Neil daydreamed about floating in space. He wondered if his namesake had anything to do with his desire to go into space. After all he was named after the first man to walk on the Moon! He was sidetracked for a while in college loving chemistry but after his prison term, he started back on his space thoughts taking every available class in space technology. Read more of his story available at http://www.amazon.com/dpB00BM5L606 or at https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/323360 along with other ebook sales places. For paperback besides Amazon go http://www.createspace.com/4190580

Monday, July 8, 2013

A Storm in Neil's life

Neil finds doing the honorable thing when he learns Storm is pregnant, is not an easy task. Her possessiveness and constant thinking he is interested in other females, especially Aliens, drives him up the wall and into a corner. Read the story in Book Two, Chronicles of the Marauder at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DL2Z071 OR IN PAPERBACK AT http://www.createspace.com/4337114  Along with other paperback location just use this ISBN and it is easy to find. 978-1490527307 or ISBN for foreign countries, 1490527303 available everywhere for your enjoyment!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Chronicles of the Marauder Book Two

 Follow the adventures of Neil, his human with his Aliens, especially Poopa, Sockan and Noka as they find more trouble in deep space. For Those kindle owners that have been waiting on Book Two of the Chronicles of the Marauder. You can get your copy at this link, http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DL2Z071.

The paperback at Createspace http://www.creatspace.com/4337114 

and on Amazon World Wide! Happy Reading! 

For other books http://www.amazon.com/author/agmoye

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

enjoyed book one soon book two

Soon your favorite Aliens and characters of the Marauder will be back for more adventures, problems and action in book two. Neil will make mistakes both personal and with decisions on the Marauder but he will find he enjoys space travel and helping those oppressed find freedom.  If you haven't read the adventures of Neil and his Aliens, you can find it on Smashwords, Barnes and Noble, Kobo and Amazon. Just type in the name "Chronicles of the Marauder" and you will find it. ISBN is 978-1301878147 or on Amazon at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BM5L606 for ebooks. For paperback http://www.createspace/#4190580 or on Amazon,  Barnes and Noble ISBN 978-1482662023 for paperbacks. Enjoy reading it is also available at http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1482662027  these sites are for Book one of the three book series. Book Two will not be available until July sometime! Have a nice day and talk back to me, I'm listening! for other books by AGMoye check out http://www.amazon.com/author/agmoye

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Which cover?

                                    Cover #1

                                     Cover      #2

or you don't like either put # 3 in comment section. I would like you input on which one catches your eye or if you don't like either! Talk back, I'm listening!


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Why I wrote it!

Several ask the queston on why I wrote this series? The answer is found in my childhood when I used to read SiFi in class, hidden in my classroom book. I loved to read the adventures off in space and dreamed I was right there. I had so many favorte writers that I can not recall all their names so I don't want to mention any. If it occurred in space, I was reding it. I checked out the entire school library at the time dealing with science fiction. After I wrote A Stranger Comes Crawling, I went back to my Dystopia series and worked on that a little more to where I am at the end of the series with only Lightning Rages that remains to be finished and published in 2014, early.
Making a living and not having the qualifications to actually go into space, I still had the dream of doing so back in my mind. Since I was unable to do so myself, I wrote a story about a man going into space, this one! I didn't want to tool around taking several boring months or even years to get somewhere in our solar system. After finding a way for my character Neil Armstrong Andrews to get into space, I had him to contact and recruit what the mainstream scientists would call crackpots to come up with "out of the box thinking" so the ship could travel faster light. I added normal conflict in the story then added Aliens to the picture. All in all, it is an exciting journey in my mind that I believe you will enjoy. If you wish to take a look at it I provided some links for you!  Copies of the book can be bought on Kindle for ebooks and soon on other tablets after I publish with Smashwords in a couple of days. For paperback, check out these links, http://www.createspace.com/4190580    or http://www.amazon.com/dp/148262023 or http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1482662027  For the kindle ebook  http://www.amazon.com/B00BM5L606 Now available on Smashwords, Barnes and Noble along with Kobo for your reading enjoyment on any ereader.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


One of the species of villains created in this story are the Whoa`na. They believe every other species including humans are no more than skitsa or food for them. They never know who their parents are. Right after they are weaned, the move into buildings run by grown males that teach them that becoming food for the species is the greatest honor. There is no one that is old is left alive because when they reach a certain age or can no longer perform, they offer themselves up as skitsa. Females when they no longer can have children, automatically offer themselves up as skitsa.
Worthy males are given a female of child bearing capabilities until they become pregnant then the female goes to one of the female buildings to have their child. The father never knows if she had a boy or girl nor does he ever have contact with them again. There is no such thing as love or marriage. When the child is weaned, boy or girl the ruler,(Sa`ka) determines their fate in life. If the child is lucky, it is allowed to grow up normal becoming one of them. If the child is unlucky, the boys are castrated and made into fighting machines. The girls if allowed to grow up normal are kept in the women's buildings until such time as they become capable of bearing a child, then the Sa`ka gives them to a worthy male that has been allowed to grow up normal. If the female is unlucky, they remove all her reproductive organs except her breasts and she grows up a fighting machine as well. To prevent any problems developing with those selected to be fighting machines, male or female; Parts of their minds are surgically altered so they can only obey orders and have no free thought of their own. The normal Whoa`na are placed in charge of them having no such restrictions but they have been brainwashed since childhood that skitsa is the greatest honor. Read the whole story!http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BM5L606 or http://www.amazon.com/dp/1482662023 also http://www.amazon.co.uk/1482662027  and http://www.amazon.de/dp/1482662027

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Mixing Aliens and Humans

Putting Aliens with humans is not the best idea. Aliens have a different culture and values that humans wouldn't necessarily understand. The one thing that Captain Neil learned was their word of honor was good, better than some humans. Several humans did not trust the Aliens and thought the best place for them was out the airlock including the Commander Janice. Read the rest of the story at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BM5L606  on Kindle or paper back at http://www.amazon.com/dp/1482662023 or http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1482662023 or http://www.amazon.de/1382662027

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Introducing Storm!

Storm, just as her name implies has one inside her. She tries to hide her violent temper but she is a woman that takes what she wants and she wants Neil, the Captain. Her physic profile prevented her from becoming an officer on the Marauder because they felt she was too unstable but would make a good mission specialist with all her skills. Worming her way into his quarters, the extremely jealous and possessive Storm takes possession of Neil unlike Carrie who became his by her singing, laughing and bubbly personality, she tells him she is in love with him knowing he was lonely and needed someone. How was he to know she had a tornado inside her that hid waiting to wreck havoc? Read the rest of the story on kindle at  http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BM5L606  or paperback at

http://www.amazon.com/dp/1482662023 or http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1482662027

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Meet Carrie of the Maruder!

Meet twenty-one year Carrie, who came aboard as a housekeeper on the huge ship. The bubbly blonde haired blue eyed gal with a flashing smile always on her face, and a song on her lips. Carrie with her angelic voice loves to sing while she works. Everyone is a friend to her and her to everyone. She never meets anyone that she does not become friends with. She is also the ship's bartender when not cleaning, so everyone knows her. Neil the Captain, cannot pass by her without putting a smile on his face and making his mood change to one of happiness like hers! Read the whole story on http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BM5L606 or on paperback on http://www.amazon.com/dp/1482662023 also available athttp://www.amazon.co.uk/dp1482662027 or http://www.amazon.de/dp/1482662027  or http://www.amazon.fr/dp/1482662027 and http://www.amazon.it/dp/1482662027 plus http://www.amazon.ca/dp/1482662027

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Alien Killers

Killing is not just reserved for humans as Neil found out when Sockan and her son, Sec`tre collapsed after turning the glass into a liquid so Tro`man could pass through it to escape. The four Aszakala slaves the Walsaps; seeing them collapse and no longer had control of their minds, rushed over beating them with the trumpet like devices they carried. The older one seeing the beating wasn't killing them, spotted the clothes Tro`man took off to go naked through the glass. On top was his dagger like device. He ran over grabbing it and plunged it into the young ones chest (Sec`tre) many times until Neil yelled at him to stop in his authoritarian voice. Afraid what Neil might do to him and his companions, he ran over to the edge of the docking bay in fear. Read the whole story! http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BM5L606 or http://createspace.com/4190580 or http://www.amazon.com/dp/1482662030 or http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1482662027 take a look at my author site at http://www.amazon.com/author/agmoye

Friday, March 29, 2013

Alien crewmembers of the Marauder

For those that have not read the book Chronicles of the Marauder I would just like to explain how they became crew members and re -introduce them to you. When the Marauder was taken to the planet Aszakala, Neil as the Captain of the Marauder meets with representatives of from various species headed by Sockan, a pale ghost white human looking in size and stature with purple lips Alien along with her life companion, Troman and her son, Soc`tre came aboard the Marauder. Neil noticed the son and companion were just as ghost white with purple lips. Sockan as the Chief Grand Trader of the planet Aszakala led the delegation of Walsaps, Acklas, Zeelar, Wispee and Soorita on the Marauder.Neil wondered why a Chief Trader would be heading the group but soon learned that he and his crew were to become property of the Wispees and their allies. Read the rest of the story!

Now available on Smashwords for all ereaders along with Kobo, Apple store and Barnes and Noble Nook! for your reading pleasure! ISBN 978-1301878147 

http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BM5L606 for the ebook. And For paperback http://www.amazon.com/dp/1482662023 or http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1482662027 in Germany the link is http://www.amazon.de/dp/1482662027 or France at http://www.amazon.fr/dp/1482662027

Saturday, March 9, 2013

meet Marauder Aliens

Meet the Wispees, six foot tall Aliens that look like a a bee with no antenna or wings that prefer eating raw meat but will eat anything.
Meet the nine foot tall Zeelar with a praying mantis head and fourteen appendages that prefers garden vegetables and salad ingredients without any sauce.
Meet the Sooritas, cannibals that look human standing six foot tall but completely hairless with an over hanging upper lip like a camel, but is super intelligent learning languages quickly.
Meet the Walsaps, a gorilla or baboon looking creature that stands five foot tall that wears clothes carrying a kismet, a multi pointed dagger that believes fighting to the death is the only way to live.
Meet the Aszakalans, ghost looking creatures with purple lips and body temperature of twenty degrees less than humans with white hair and standing six feet tall or more. Also has the ability to read minds with just a touch, make themselves invisible when they desire, and have the ability to walk through glass by changing the molecular composition of the their bodies.
Meet the Acklas, a horse looking creature with no mane or tail with spare appedages with hands on double jointed arms attached to their front legs, standing about seven foot tall.
These are the first Aliens that become part of the crew. I will introduce others that later have an impact on the Marauder and the crew! To read the whole story on kindle go to http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BM5L606  or in paperback at these locations (Just some of them)
http://www.amazon.com/dp/1482662023    or http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1482662027
Have a great day! Talk back to me, I'm listening! While you are at it, check out my author site on amazon for other interesting books at http://www.amazon.com/author/agmoye

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Meet the Whoa`nas

Meet the Whoa`nas, identical looking to humans but with one flaw, they think with their stomachs. To them every warm blood species is what they call Skitsa, Food! Being immune to all diseases and bacteria, they would eat anything that didn't eat them first. The Marauder encounters them herding the Yokas into their space ships to be taken back to their home world to be food. One rule the Whoa`nas had was it had to be freshly killed and cooked rare. The Marauder stops the herding process and becomes involved in a war.  Read the rest of the story and meet the other Aliens at http://www.amazon.com/dp/1482662023  or ebook athttp://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BM5L606

Friday, March 1, 2013

Sockan, the Alien

Sockan, chief trader of the Aszakalans. An emotionless creature comes aboard the Marauder as the neutral head of a delegation to evaluate the Whispees claim to ownership of the humans and their ship. Bringing her life companion as selected by their leader and her son who is in training to become a trader let's it slip that the humans are to become slaves of others causing the Marauder to flee with them aboard finds herself a prisoner of the Marauder. The death of her son by the slave Walsaps and the later death of her life companion Troman, strands her all alone in confinement. Having nothing to do but try to escape that was thwarted at her ever attempt finds that Poopa, the Alien doctor gives her an ereader. At first the books were simple as she learns to read English. Later the books become more complex as she learns about love and emotions. Something totally foreign to Sockan. They didn't want her reading any violent books so gave her mainly love stories. Being super intelligent, she learns what makes humans tick and how love is important. Finally, she is offered the airlock or to join the crew. She takes heart in joining the crew finding what real emotions were!  Read the whole story! for links to the story! http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BM5L606 for kindle and for paper back http://www.amazon.com/dp/1482662023 or http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp1482662027 or http://www.createspace.com/4180580

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Meet the Aliens on Chronicles

I want to introduce the main Aliens on Chronicles of the Marauder! Meet Poopa, the Alien physician with fourteen appendages stands nine foot tall normally but keeps her head down due to low ceilings. A head like a praying mantis but looks like a walking stick insect from Earth that heals humans and saves lives with her abilities to preform operations without the human bleeding. She can sew the skin back up, leaving no trace where she operated or a scar. Meet Sockan, the Alien that looks human with a body temperature 20 degrees lower but is pale white ghost looking with purple lips that can read minds with just a touch and make herself invisible to humans. Feels dead to the human touch! Meet Noka, a male horse like creature with no tail or mane and has no hooves, instead has paws with an extra set of arms on its' front legs. A doctor and a scientist. Meet Solay, a Wispee that looks like a bee without the antenae or wings! An Engineer turned politician back to an Engineer on the Marauder. Now available on Smashwords, Kobo, Barnes and Noble and soon apple ISBN #978-1301878147 check it out also still on Kindle at http://www.amazon.com/B00BM5L606 For paperback go to http://www.amazon.com/dp/1482662023 or http://amazon.co.uk/dp1482662027 or http://www.amazon.de/dp/1482662027 Also available on http://www.createspace.com/dp/4190580 along with Barnes and Noble in paper back

Friday, February 8, 2013

Story of Neil Armstrong Andrews

Neil Armstrong Andrews grew up in an orphanage. He wasn't sure why he had a over powering desire to go into space. Maybe it was his name but he felt compelled to do so. His life was one step forward to two steps backward. He was smart but had a fiery temper that he didn't learn to control until it was too late going to prison for losing control and almost beating a rich powerful man's son nearly to death with a pool stick. He thought his luck fortune had changed while in college, he met and married a rich young woman but his temper turned it into bad luck. She was with his child when went to prison, a child he never knew the name nor ever saw because she divorced  him and moved on to someone else. After prison where he learned to control his temper, he returned to college getting his degree in Chemistry and Space Technology. Fortune once again smiled on him when he won the largest lottery in American History allowing his dream to come alive of going into space. With the help of what was considered the crackpot scientists and foreign governments, he had the Marauder built with him as the Captain.  Even then, he found his past followed him into space. He was Captain in name only with actual command resting with Janice (The glass eyed Commander) Read the rest of the story! http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BM5L606 or http://www.smashwords.com/323360  In paperback at http://www.amazon.com/dp/1482662023  or http://www.createspace.com/4190580 Enjoy a little adventure with drama mixed in with a little love! Talk back, I'm listening